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Fairy dusts~
Posted by Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:24 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yay-ness, 6 more days to cruise!!!
A 5Day4Night cruise.
Am so damn excited as this is my first time going
for a cruise with my friends and dearest.
{ Jump around in joy! }
We will visit Port Klang and Phuket, and I heard one of them
say that we are gonna have my favorite bak kut teh at Port Klang!
{ insert smilessss }
I hope that I will be able to control my mouth during the cruise
as they say that the food there is on free flow basis and you
can just pop by and eat as much as you want.
And me being a glutton, for sure I will eat till I drop!
Also that I heard from some other friends that
the beach in Phuket is very beautiful, so hopefully
it is like what they said.
I foresee that I will need to work out real hard
after the cruise end!
Oh man, I really can't wait for the day to embark the cruise
to come so that I can take a break from all the stressful things
I'm facing in life right now.
I think I'm under too much stress now and that kind of explains
the reason of me putting so much weight lately.
The way of me distressing is to eat and eat and eat,
and apparently it's not doing me any good cause
it's not lightly the stress level and result me in
gaining so much weight in a period of merely 2-3 weeks
which is real scary if you know how much I mean by "gaining weight"!
I guess that all the drama that I had to handle is too much,
and I'm gonna heed mum's advice which is to just ignore
things that makes me unhappy and just do more of what
makes me happy with dearest.
Mum's right, I don't have to be bothered with people who
are like houseflies. Constantly bugging me and causing me
to be annoyed with something that is very small.
Just focus on the more important things in life, and keep a healthy
relationship with people who love and cares for me and vice versa.
And I guess I have to wake up and face the reality that
friends come and go, I don't need a whole bunch of fake-ies
just a feel good friends whom I can share my thoughts with is enough.
Having a loving and understanding family,
Forgiving dad,
Caring mum,
Cute bro..
Bestie who I can rely and turn to..
What's more, now I have found the person who love me for who I am ..
Care for me like a father ..
Respect me ..
Also, a understanding boss also someone whom I can look up to as
a role model..
What more can I ask for ,right ?
Fairy dusts~
Posted by Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:24 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Yay-ness, 6 more days to cruise!!!
A 5Day4Night cruise.
Am so damn excited as this is my first time going
for a cruise with my friends and dearest.
{ Jump around in joy! }
We will visit Port Klang and Phuket, and I heard one of them
say that we are gonna have my favorite bak kut teh at Port Klang!
{ insert smilessss }
I hope that I will be able to control my mouth during the cruise
as they say that the food there is on free flow basis and you
can just pop by and eat as much as you want.
And me being a glutton, for sure I will eat till I drop!
Also that I heard from some other friends that
the beach in Phuket is very beautiful, so hopefully
it is like what they said.
I foresee that I will need to work out real hard
after the cruise end!
Oh man, I really can't wait for the day to embark the cruise
to come so that I can take a break from all the stressful things
I'm facing in life right now.
I think I'm under too much stress now and that kind of explains
the reason of me putting so much weight lately.
The way of me distressing is to eat and eat and eat,
and apparently it's not doing me any good cause
it's not lightly the stress level and result me in
gaining so much weight in a period of merely 2-3 weeks
which is real scary if you know how much I mean by "gaining weight"!
I guess that all the drama that I had to handle is too much,
and I'm gonna heed mum's advice which is to just ignore
things that makes me unhappy and just do more of what
makes me happy with dearest.
Mum's right, I don't have to be bothered with people who
are like houseflies. Constantly bugging me and causing me
to be annoyed with something that is very small.
Just focus on the more important things in life, and keep a healthy
relationship with people who love and cares for me and vice versa.
And I guess I have to wake up and face the reality that
friends come and go, I don't need a whole bunch of fake-ies
just a feel good friends whom I can share my thoughts with is enough.
Having a loving and understanding family,
Forgiving dad,
Caring mum,
Cute bro..
Bestie who I can rely and turn to..
What's more, now I have found the person who love me for who I am ..
Care for me like a father ..
Respect me ..
Also, a understanding boss also someone whom I can look up to as
a role model..
What more can I ask for ,right ?
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I have been blogging since 2009. Blogskin.com introduced me into blogger world.
My blog layout started with a white and simple skin then I keep tried asking those cyber friend about How To Make A Skin
but no one telling nor answering me till I tried for asking them =.=! Then I try my best for making but I failed for doing it.
I was so freaking hopeless and sad till one of my best friend cheer me up and support me with making a skin. Finally I know how to made my own skin with different codings
which related at blogskins.com.
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