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Best buddies?
Posted by Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:04 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Am feeling very sad right now, because of something
that I found out yesterday.
Actually I don't know to feel sad, disappointed or
to be angry. I just cannot describe the feeling
I have inside me right now!
So much for being there for you when you
were despair, for helping you out when you
were in need and bitching along with you
when you hate on this certain bitch who flirted with
you ex boyfriend!
Why, why did you have to do this to me, when
I trusted you so damn much?
Knowing that I would not be happy about it and
will flare up or turn nasty, but you still
chose to do this to me!
Why do you have to sabotage my relationship with my boyfriend?
All the why(s) just keep on flowing into my mind!
I had always put you first, being there for you when you needed me
yet you chose to do this to me!
I don't know if you will be reading this post,
but you know what?
I don't actually care if you are , or if you are not!
I don't even care whatever your motive of telling this to
my boyfriend is..
But you let me see that I couldn't trust you anymore from
this point of time onwards.
So don't come telling me that you are sorry or whatever.
Cause if you are I'm gonna get nasty,
I had enough of your nonsense already.
So damn much nonsense from you, since the day
you broke up with your ex boyfriend!
So much made up lies and pushing the blame to him!
I was wrong when dearest asked me not to contact you when
he told me the other time.
I am damn regretful that I didn't heed his advice!
So now, I'm gonna cut all ties with you!
No more helping out or what so ever.
There was so much things I wanna say about you but I held
back my tongue because I regarded you as my best friend/sister.
But I guess this is a wake up call to let me see your
true colors and asking me to siam you already.
And to think of it, I have been always looking out for a job
or a suitable companion for you!
This is what I get in return! Thanks so much.
Last but not least, I want to thank you for believing all the
stories I made up to let you show your true colors! (:
My instincts was right about you.
Thanks for strengthening our bond,relationship and love!
Best buddies?
Posted by Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:04 PM with 0 notes | add more notes
Am feeling very sad right now, because of something
that I found out yesterday.
Actually I don't know to feel sad, disappointed or
to be angry. I just cannot describe the feeling
I have inside me right now!
So much for being there for you when you
were despair, for helping you out when you
were in need and bitching along with you
when you hate on this certain bitch who flirted with
you ex boyfriend!
Why, why did you have to do this to me, when
I trusted you so damn much?
Knowing that I would not be happy about it and
will flare up or turn nasty, but you still
chose to do this to me!
Why do you have to sabotage my relationship with my boyfriend?
All the why(s) just keep on flowing into my mind!
I had always put you first, being there for you when you needed me
yet you chose to do this to me!
I don't know if you will be reading this post,
but you know what?
I don't actually care if you are , or if you are not!
I don't even care whatever your motive of telling this to
my boyfriend is..
But you let me see that I couldn't trust you anymore from
this point of time onwards.
So don't come telling me that you are sorry or whatever.
Cause if you are I'm gonna get nasty,
I had enough of your nonsense already.
So damn much nonsense from you, since the day
you broke up with your ex boyfriend!
So much made up lies and pushing the blame to him!
I was wrong when dearest asked me not to contact you when
he told me the other time.
I am damn regretful that I didn't heed his advice!
So now, I'm gonna cut all ties with you!
No more helping out or what so ever.
There was so much things I wanna say about you but I held
back my tongue because I regarded you as my best friend/sister.
But I guess this is a wake up call to let me see your
true colors and asking me to siam you already.
And to think of it, I have been always looking out for a job
or a suitable companion for you!
This is what I get in return! Thanks so much.
Last but not least, I want to thank you for believing all the
stories I made up to let you show your true colors! (:
My instincts was right about you.
Thanks for strengthening our bond,relationship and love!
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I have been blogging since 2009. Blogskin.com introduced me into blogger world.
My blog layout started with a white and simple skin then I keep tried asking those cyber friend about How To Make A Skin
but no one telling nor answering me till I tried for asking them =.=! Then I try my best for making but I failed for doing it.
I was so freaking hopeless and sad till one of my best friend cheer me up and support me with making a skin. Finally I know how to made my own skin with different codings
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